What makes an advertising campaign work? What leads an ad to go viral, while the competition fails to get the message across to consumers? These are key questions that mark the design of the strategy of brands and companies. Everyone would like to have the answer so they can position themselves more effectively when they throw theirs.A study , carried out by Pacific using data on social networks from Crimson Hexagon, has analyzed the response to some viral campaigns in recent years, such as Always's Like a Girl , Dove's Real Beauty or Volvo's The Epic Split , among others. . These are campaigns that no one doubts as they had a very high impact and managed to sneak into the conversations. Looking for what they have in common can help you understand what works.
This conclusion may seem the most striking E-Mail-Datenbank kaufen and even the most unexpected, because if something seems to have become clear in recent times and in line with what they are showing from the studies to the things that consumers themselves do as users of the elements that are the gateway to ads is that they do not like the latter very much. Complaints about advertising and the use of tools that block it have been growing.
And, despite everything, the study concludes that advertising campaigns (at least those that have a significant echo and manage to position themselves well with consumers) are well received. Not only are positive feelings more common than negative ones and last longer, but also the most commonly expressed emotion is joy.